The event will take place in the Torgny Segerstedtssalen auditorium which is located in the main building of the University of Gothenburg on Vasaparken.
Follow this link for a map of the location.
Restaurants near Vasaparken
Both the venue and the hotel are located in the central Gothenburg and there are numerous restaurants close by. Here is a selection of restaurants close to the venue.
Open for lunch
Enoteca del Signore (Italian) Vasaplatsen 4 http://www.signore.nu/
Open 11-23, lunch between 11-15
Sushi Mamaya Aschebergsgatan 7 https://www.sushimamaya.se/
Open 11-21
Teos medelhavskök (Italian) Storgatan 7 https://www.teosmedelhavskok.se/pastaratter/
Open 11-21:30
Toui’s Thai Föreningsgatan 34 https://touisthaigoteborg.se/vasastan/
Open 11-20:30
Open in the evening near the venue
Vasaplatsens Brygghus (bar food) Vasaplatsen 2 https://vasabrygghus.se/
Open 15-01
Vi Viet (Vietnamese) Erik Dahlbergsgatan 20 https://www.viviet.se/
Open 17-22
Restaurang Riccardo Cibo e Vino (Italian) Götabergsgatan 20 https://www.riccardo.one/
Open 17-22
Levantine (French) Aschebergsgatan 22 https://levantine.se/
Open 17-01
Botanico (urban jungle dining) Aschebergsgatan 23 https://botanico.se/
Open 17-00
Vilda restaurang (Nordic, gourmet) Vasagatan 40 https://www.vildarestaurant.com/
Open 17-00
Pinchos (tapas) Götabergsgatan 28 A https://www.pinchos.se/restaurant/se-gbg-gotaberg
Open 16-22
28+ (Michelin star) Götabergsgatan 28 https://28plus.se/
There are many more options, please google “restaurant Vasaplatsen” for more options close to the venue and “restaurants berzeliigatan göteborg” for options close to the hotel.